CMV: If you do well in your twenties, learn valuable skills trough School/internet/Aprenticeship there is no way you can't be at least high middle class

Seems like your kinda going back and forth between social construct and financial construct without allowing the two to ever touch?

Socially Disgraced Aristocrat is still an Aristocrat, but if and only if they either earn or possess enough money to be an Aristocrat by the financial definition of the class. Financially Disgraced Aristocrat is still an Aristocrat, if and only if they still maintain the social connections and social definition to be an Aristocrat. If they have nothing to bring to the table from social rank or financial investment they won't be worth propping up much longer.

The upper class is forgiving if it's in their interest to be so. Which more often than not it is, but there is no guarantees. The upperclass club is about everyone keeping the status quo. If you don't have the money and you don't have the power of social standing there is no benefit to keeping you around. If it's better damage control to let that person go, they will. They will sacrifice the person easily if it means everyone else gets to keep doing what they are doing.

As for Bohemians, your still operating on the theory of supply and demand being applicable for them in this imagined scenario. You are still arguing they will make things people will buy. But what if there is no widespread excess money? Only the 1% have enough for anything but survival essentials. Will the bits the rich buy from them here and there be enough to feed them week after week with all the other 99% of people working just as hard competing for the same limited business from the wealthy?

They can disdain working for someone else. But they probably disdain watching their children starve to death a little more. The morals, values, and opinions you have go out the window when we lose our place on the Hierarchy of Needs. When it's survival mode, live or die, they are going to do what is required to eat.

Humanity is about survival. Survival is the meaning of life. We do what we need to do to survive and reproduce. But for a very small percent, they have no need to ever worry about survival. No matter how bad it gets, no matter how wasteful they are, no matter how badly they mismanage....they still have enough to afford their basic needs hiding out and probably outlasting all of us by 10 generations. The rest of us are maybe a day, maybe a year, maybe a decade, maybe a generation...away from at some having to worry about survival. Every class, from upper to middle to lower to Bohemian is an offshoot of "if you want to keep drinking, not getting hypothermia and feeding a family for X more years, your going to need to replenish somehow someway from where you are today at some point." Take away that ability to make more, those people will all eventually be starving. Some get there quicker than others. They all get there eventually and that's what puts us in the same class. The class that needs to put in some form of effort to survive.

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