CMV: if we're willing to criticize people like George Washington by today's moral standards... why not do the same for prophets.

I hope this will CYV... I think there is a disconnect in the 'who' is being offended, and what it means. Essentially, it sounds like you feel like both historical leaders and prophets were human beings complete with positive points and flaws. To someone who agrees to this, there is no issue, regardless if its a historical leader or a prophet. The issue comes into play when someone else feels that historical leaders or prophets are beyond reproach; regardless of the negative things they may have done and the time period in which they lived.

In other words, the issue with your view is the 'we' part. 'We', if you mean humanity, takes in both camps. Anyone who feels its ok to criticize Washington would also feel its ok to criticize a historical prophet... and vice versa.

/r/changemyview Thread