CMV: I'm voting for Trump (if he is a candidate) in order to feel good about the next 4 years. Change my view pls!

Sure I'd be happy to answer that. I do think you're projecting some personal issues or simply perspectives onto the thread. I'm not saying this like you're crazy you're a bad person or problematic at all, but your rational is confusing in some aspects. And then I'll explain my I delete all my posts on Reddit for you.

Which brings me to my first point : deleting the thread equals evading criticism. This is false, because not only did I confirm I changed my view to multiple posters, but I had a very beneficial experience reasoning with over 10 people, whom I responded to multiple times. Since my original premise was proven to be impractical (This is nothing for anybody to be proud of, since I the original postade that fairly clear, brining It to my attention would have been very redundant) but other better suggestions taking into consideration my point of view of my irrational rational slowly deconstructed my rational, and utilizing reasonings why I chose my decision, and successfully laid out the consequences (mostly negative ones) and alternatives while fully taking into account why I chose my original premise to begin with. I consider this a success.

Second and already final point is the notion that deletion of the thread somehow devalued the entire experience. I believe it did not. Of course you don't share that sentiment, which is fine and I'm sorry for your loss, I guess. I own nothing. Aside from 2 homes I paid on my own, my life can fit in a suit case, and I'm often just wandering the world with no real purpose, which is totally fine.

The deletion of the thread is something I do when a thread serves its purpose. The reason why I own nothing but the essentials is the same reason. You may relate that to be evasive, but how do you think I feel when I delete comments that get over 50 or 100 up votes? Or I type a lot of good thoughts that I am proud of personally? Deleting things is a mini challenge for me. But I make sure nothing survives. Even my gilded comments. I've been guided 3 times. delete. No regrets, but trust me it's not like an emotional mute, I delete not out of joy but out of.. Overcoming my desire not want to delete occasionally. Occasionally it's like cleaning. At other times. It's like throwing away my proud work. But I'm more proud of having deleted my proud work than the idea of preserving it.

I do the same to my artwork, too. Create, destroy. Of course some are given away.

I'm not some troll that says whatever I want just to stir people up and hide, I will type a ton of thoughts and even the most popular comments, I delete. Everything it's a battle against "'maybe I should keep this for later" versus "delete". The philosophy of "I'll keep this for later" is something I despise, and the reason why I'm able to live out of a suit case, with no fixed address.

I understand you think the non-existence of this the thread is somehow a bad thing, and I don't blame you for not understanding.

That's totally fine. I just think your conclusion that it's a bad thing is completely false. Over multiple Reddit accounts and threads, no matter how much karma I get, I delete all threads except for ones that retain some sort of information I want to archive later or re-read(and retain) before ultimately deleting at the end a yeah. Deleting also helps keep the essentials easily accessible.

To me it's no different than sorting my inbox.

I hope this answered your concern

/r/changemyview Thread Parent