CMV: Saying ACAB (for American cops) is no different than saying "all Yakuza are bastards". Yes the organizations sometimes do good deeds, and some of the members are just clerks etc, but both groups ultimately cover large amounts of murder, harassment, and theft with a code of silence

The interactions that police have with their community overall are overwhelmingly positive

How do we judge that? By simply counting acts? The vast majority of people in prison in the US are there for non violent crimes, and most are there on a plea bargain rather than having seen a full trial.

But even if I conceded that and said that maybe if you counted the individual acts it could be favorable, it still wouldn't outweigh the taint of murder and covering up murder and theft. If merely counting actions decided morality, then a priest who raped only once would be an overall "good person" by that standard.

And also the vast majority of Yakuza actions are just running semi legal pachinko and massage parlors popular among Japanese businessmen and retirees.

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