CMV: Just because you can procreate doesn't mean you should have the "right" to do so.

So many questions! ha ha imma try my best here. I guess the g'ment would approve licenses and set the standard, which sucks. People apply when they wanna start having babies. Idk how long it takes man, hopefully fast. Definitely could appeal or reapply. Fucking racism...that probably can't be avoided unfortunately but I guess during the hiring process just do your best to not find a bigot. Religion doesn't matter. Political group doesn't matter. Policing it as far as I can see so far would be completely unethical. The government through taxes would pay for the birth control I WE would lol ugh. Affordability shouldnt be a problem as it would be "free" through the g'ment. Unlicensed kids would go to foster families that have passed the screening. Punish parents who break the law with taking their ability to have kids completely away. Ugh now it just sounds so bad. Aren't we kind of overpopulated? Maybe a little crimp wouldnt be so bad. Whew! There you go. Sorry I can't give you a better debate

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