CMV: kids under 15/16 years old who cook for themselves, do their own laundry etc. is not impressive— it’s sad

I think there's too many variables here to say it's objectively just impressive or sad.

If the kid is legitimately being overburdened by absentee parents then that's a lot of weight on a young kid and is sad. It can have a major negative impact on their performance at school effecting their future, or long term effects on their physical and mental health.

But if the kid is doing a lot of his own "adulting" but has decent parental support and help when he needs it then that is impressive and healthy.

Perhaps the takeaway is simply as you say, to not automatically assume it's impressive and make sure it's accompanied by supportive parenting. But as long as that's the case I think it's safe to call it impressive. It's much easier to transition into being a self sufficient adult when you have a base in such good habits. And conversely can be more of a struggle to those kids the less used to it they are.

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