CMV: Louis C.K's Sexual Misconduct Isn't a Problem.

which I understand as you being more sympathetic to his feelings than the feelings of the victims.

For me, I try to put myself in their situation. I just can't imagine a situation where I'm actually traumatized by a woman showing me her genitals if I were free to say no or get up and leave.

My friend's mom is like a stereotypical traditional southern woman with delicate sensibilities. She was at a store in the changing room one day when some dude stuck his dick under the stall. She was laughing about it. She called the police. But she mostly thought it was hilarious.

These were not children. They were adult women. I don't know if it's them acting traumatized or other people doing it for them, but it just comes off as very disingenuous when an adult acts like they've never seen a penis before. It got thrown in with the Weinstein and Spacey situations where they were doing this to minors and at least Weinstein was absolutely lording his position of power over people's heads.

But to act like they were totally horrified reminds me of when Darren Wilson said he felt like a six year old hanging onto Hulk Hogan. I don't know any grown man who would ever talk about a situation like that. It just sounds like he's trying to play on people's sympathies. It just doesn't sound like a real reaction to that situation.

Are you anywhere near as outraged about this situation? There was much less consent involved, much more power-lording-over. And yet I still don't care. Dude was a grown man. Sometimes grown adults have to user their words or their legs. I think he threw in the sexual harassment thing to get more money out of the situation. Sounds like she was probably pretty annoying to work with. But all I can think when it comes to the sexual part of it is to be glad that she was expressing herself. Although forcing him to stay and move the luggage is a little shitty, (but still mostly funny, tbh).

Do we want a society of people who sexually proposition people once and let it go? Or do we want a society of people who just kind of keep looking for ways to put themselves next to you and never really come out with it, so never give you a chance to reject them, so they always still think you might be interested?

If we want the first one, then we have to give people some space for trial and error in learning how to do that in a way that isn't gross. As long as they're making regards for consent, and they're not threatening or engaging in retribution, then I don't think people should be free to express their sexual desires. And if someone is grossed out, they are free to say "gross, no."

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