CMV: As a man, if you make less than than 20 dollars an hour, no woman will seriously date you long term.

Nothing more traumatic then realizing someone could stop loving you at the drop of a hat, without rhyme, reason or fault on your part. You can love her, be supportive of her, treat her how you think she deserves...but dont open up emotionally! Or worse. Make less money than she does. Because if you do, One day she may realize you guys just dont "click" all of a sudden and dump you and move on IN HER MIND, while keeping a dead relationship going. Waiting for you to realize she never really loved you and isnt woman enough to tell you the cold truth, that the whole time shes claimed she loved you, the past two months she was on dating sites and meeting up with men behind your back. "Just in case things dont work out" Even though her mind was already made up and she didnt have the stones to tell you she already moved on and you're love and pain mean nothing to her.........or something like that. Maybe. Lol

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