CMV: MGTOW has surpassed the TRP for utility for beta males

Honestly, you're more right than wrong, but your feminist comment is...problematic. MGTOW is definitely for the saddest chumps around -- no argument from me there.

But the only thing *contemporary* feminists have managed to change in society is inculcating a generation of young women into a newage puritanism, where unchecked virtuous vitriol against any perceived sleight is the path forward. They have totally dismantled systems of rational thought in order to forward narratives that were constructed out of thin air by people who weren't smart enough to do legitimate theorizing in STEM departments and instead decided to wax philosophical (and intentionally lie, like about the wage gap) over whether or not there's thirty seven genders. Modern day feminists have lost the plot completely, and if you don't see this, then you are just as tribal as the MGTOW queers.

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