CMV: The minimum wage in the United States should be $0.00; anything more would hurt those most vulnerable.

"Be kinder here." You're the only one offended by that.

Pick one between "I'm having this is a vacuum," and "I'm having this for a specific country."

The anti-union sentiment exists independently from the existence of minimum wage laws and like you said, are cultural. They must therefore be solves culturally, not something the government has much control over. In Scandinavia where people are more culturally unified and have a better culture in general, none of this is necessary. So it's a separate issue with a separate solution that America has a bad culture. The minimum wage doesn't help anything because the mandatory unemployment remains a reality. I believe you also said that it would be okay to abolish the minimum wage if we culturally reformed, so am I correct in surmising that you yourself agree with me?

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