CMV: Most people are scumbags because they feed their own egos by constantly comparing themselves to others around them.

Those things you listed sound all very well and good. And I'm sure there are plenty of people who could use it and be very happy. When it comes to social media, I guess I was thinking more in terms of.. Let's say.. and this is a very specific example..

You are a 30-something male/female who hasn't quite got their life together yet. You're single (and don't want to be), you're not financially in a good place, career not going well, lonely etc. You log on to Facebook, only to see your old high school friends getting married, having kids, making $150,000+ in their careers, buying big nice expensive homes.

This is the kind of thing that will make you feel very bad by comparison, right? It isn't exactly schadenfreude because people aren't necessarily experiencing pleasure or joy from the misfortune of others, but rather vice versa.

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