CMV: It is not shallow for me, a 6'4 man, to turn down women who specifically go after me for my height.

Because I see it as shallow for women to find me more attractive than a shorter man, even if he may have a prettier face and less toxuc personality

As a 5'6" male that really has to have a good personality and has a "prettier" face than a lot of other males (or so I have been told, sorry for not being too modest), I just wanted to say I love you dude. Everything you are mentioning is true and I would totally be your friend. I wish all tall people are just like you ! You give me hope for humanity.

I know I am coming off as jealous, bitter, and sort of like an incel, but I assure everyone that I am totally not any of those things. I'm just a guy who has to work harder for women than a lot of other guys and I'm really glad someone gets it ! Hahaha.

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