CMV: The only reason the black power fist isn't banned as a hate symbol is that black civilisations have never achieved force projection

They were a fringe group condemned by the original black panthers and they were actively anti-semitic.

Why are you using past tense? What do you mean were? Are you insinuating the new black panther party is no more?

One problematic group that represented a small portion of black americans does not mean that black people shoukd now be considered equal to white people in terms of the racial hierarchy still perpetuated by systemic inequality.

Again with the past tense. What do you mean represented? Sure, but it also proves there are black supremacy groups and should be held to the same standards as white supremacy groups. Because the new black panther party uses the black fist as part of their ideology, it needs to be banned. Isnt that not what people are asking for with the OK hand symbol? Since one minor faction of Americans may use it as a white power symbol, anybody use uses it in any context is labeled a racist. How is that any different?

The black power fist itself remains not a symbol of hate or tearing others down, but uplifting black people to the same level of power, wealth, and comfort in modern society.

You cannot speak for all black people on their intent so you cant be exactly certain of what its purpose is. While I agree with you, some people use it as a hate symbol, so insofar as people of hate groups use it, it does somewhat become a symbol of hate. This is exactly the argument of people for the Confederate flag. Some people that because they dont use it as a symbol of hate, they should be free to fly it. But as it is associated with racist southern views, it is mainly outlawed. Or take the OK hand symbol - it's usually not associated with white power and racism, but bc a small faction may or may not use it as such, it's been associated as a hate symbol.

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