CMV: Only a virgin girlfriend can make me happy and slut shaming is okay

What is a telling sign is that you don't care how many guys she has had sex with - you will judge a girl purely on the fact that she has had sex with someone else.

This speaks more about your insecurities than anything else.

One you do have sex, you will realize that sex is generally part of a healthy relationship, and that it does increase the emotional bond between people in a relationship (this is in general terms).

You will also realize that compatibility of personalities is probably the most important thing to look out for in a relationship.

By your view, any girl who has sex before marriage is a slut. Do you mean to say that every girl must necessarily wait for marriage to have sex, or must necessarily marry the guy she loses her virginity to? Suppose you do find a girl who is a virgin, fall in love, and eventually end up having sex. If, for any reason, you guys break up, does that make her a slut?

You are also putting way too much pressure on yourself (this comes across as insecurity, even though it may not be the case). Once you find someone you love, you will realize that having previous partners does not change who she is, you will probably love her regardless.

There is also a bit of hypocrisy in your thinking. On one hand, you want girls to be saints and virgins. On the other hand, you are punishing them for being the one who has to do the lesser work while finding partners (to clarify, I don't think that the pressure is only on the guys - they too have to go through social pressures which you may not be aware of).

Whether or not a girl has had partners before HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER SHE WILL CHEAT ON YOU.

Rather than having such a superficial requirement of your girlfriend, look for someone who you get along with, and truly enjoy being with. Her being a virgin or not should not be a criteria.

Out of curiosity, what is your cultural background? I ask because your views may be brought on by the environment you grew up in.

/r/changemyview Thread