CMV: opposition to multiculturalism is white nationalism (badly) disguised.

You haven't begun to engage with what I have actually argued in response to your first post. Until you can do so I don't see a future for this conversation.

I took from your first post that what white people wanted in regard to multiculturalism didn't matter because white people have all the power. But maybe that's not what you meant?

I don't know what you're talking about regarding religious bigotry.

The reason why a lot of whites (and I'm talking Christians here, which includes also people who are not white) oppose multiculturalism comes down to their religious views, esp. in regard to LGBT rights. But, it's more than that. Think about corporal punishment, for example; when I was growing up and I went to my friend's house down the street and got in trouble, HIS parents would beat my ass. That may seem barbaric to your average progressive from San Francisco, but that's just the way things are done in 'my neck of the woods'. And there's a lot of examples like that, where conservatives and progressives don't see eye to eye.

So when you come along and say, 'We don't think you should do that anymore, and you don't have a say in the matter because you're white', and then have the brazin' brass balls to call THEM racist when they protest, do you understand why they get pissed, and subsequently elected Donald Trump for president?

Mind you, I'm NOT saying they're always right. In fact, I think they're wrong about a lot of things. But it's not about white nationalism (for most of them anyway), and even if it was, constantly pointing that out is doing nothing to further the conversation.

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