CMV: Our Society is Replacing "Doing Good' With "Condemning Bad" as to how we Gauge Morality

neither. just get off reddit. reddit loves divisive posts. which is why theres hundreds of bullshit political subreddits spewing the same garbage. excluding shit politics, there are just as many 'feel good' subreddits as there are 'feel bad' ones. you just remember the bad ones because they leave a more lasting impression. trashy, rage, iamatotalpieceofshit, etc are countered by humansbeingbros, aww, mademesmile, etc. every one of these subs are exploiting emotion for more attention. you, op, personally seem to retain the 'negative' thought making ones more than the 'positive' ones. get off this shit site and you will realize real life makes reddit look as retarded as it actually is.

/r/changemyview Thread