CMV: People cannot be misgendered because there’s no way to prove it.

They are a human being with a genetic mutation. Same as someone with Down’s syndrome or another genetic mutation. I am not hung up on anything. That’s a scientific fact. Your genes determines sex/gender. Changing your appearance or even changing your genitals with surgery doesn’t change your DNA. A woman who identifies as a man can’t get someone pregnant. A man who identifies as a woman can’t conceive and give birth. That’s a genetic fact. Now a persons identity may not match with their genetics but that doesn’t change what they are biologically. Doesn’t mean they are a bad person or should be mistreated. It’s what their mind tells them. I have a family member who is gay. His mind tells him what he is attracted too. He can’t change that and I would never expect him to change that. It’s who he is. But his husband is male and they will never be able to produce a child because of their genetics. Doesn’t mean he is a bad person or wrong. Their genetics prevent them from doing that.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent