CMV: People nowadays is more liberal and tolerant to different ideas of all the people. But, Why most of them still hate religion and their followers?

I personally hate religion for a multitude of reasons. I can list most of them if you wish. I'll focus on your religion since you can relate to it.

  • The majority of people are religious because their parents are of the same religion. Would you agree that your parents are also Catholic? Your parents don't believe in Thor, right? You don't magically happen to be Catholic. You're Catholic because your parents indoctrinated you from a young, gullible, malleable age, into seeing the world as you currently see it.

  • Imposing the threat of hell(burning for all eternity) to children is child abuse.

  • Your religion shapes the way you see science. Most atheists see science as an axiom; and take it from there. Some Catholics believe that the earth is 10 000 years old. This is a non-trivial error. Even if scientists were off by 100 000 years; the earth is still billions of years old. There is massive, overwhelming evidence showing this; it's not a debate anymore. The Catholics that believe that the earth is > 10 000 years, as science demonstrates; have a double-think perspective. They allow their understanding of science to come together with their beliefs (they shift their beliefs to fit whatever new science has been discovered; seems hypocritical in the least). At least young earth creationists are stupid but honest.

  • Believing in Christianity means rejecting evolution. They reject one of the basic tenets of modern biology because it doesn't fit with their belief; with good reason too! Since evolution is true; it shows that humanity can't come from a single couple. In any case, I hate ignorance.

  • It looks like a sect from the outside. I've been to orthodox church because my mom is a believer. Priest says something, everybody chants after the priest. It's scary to say the least.

  • It seems to me like an easy way out. Just deal with reality.

/r/changemyview Thread