CMV: people should get a baby license just like they get a driver license

But your whole argument is nonsensical because there's plenty of rational people who have unplanned pregnancies, and plenty of irrational people that have planned ones. I literally don't understand what your point is with this line of reasoning. A person who can't afford to have a kid can still have a planned pregnancy and someone who can easily afford a kid can have an unplanned one. So what the shit is your logic in bringing this statistic up?

My definition of low life degenerates are probably the same as for most others. Poor, uneducated, irrational, criminal, addicts etc etc.

So my parents fit that definition which means we're once again back to you saying I shouldn't have been allowed to be born.

You never answered my question about how you would enforce any of this either.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent