cmv: People should recognize the normalization of bodyshaming men as a real problem

People are either willfully or stupidly ignoring the point you're trying to make, so let me start by clarifying what I think you're saying: You have no isse with someone saying Andrew Tate is compensating and has a fragile ego. In fact, the Tate v Thunberg dynamic is completely immaterial to your point. You take issue with the verbiage, specifically. Saying that "it's not referring to his actual dick" is not a valid counterpoint in a society that accepts words have meaning a la the "that's so gay" campaign.

Counterpoint: you can convey the exact same sentiment by calling him a pussy. People have been using "pussy" that way for much longer than "small dick energy" and they still do. Bodyshaming men is definitely a problem, but this is not an example of it and it's not so widespread as your post implies. It is CERTAINLY not so widespread as body shaming women. You claim that "loose pussy energy" would be the equivalent and it doesn't exist as proof that society lets this slode, but that's just not true. We use "pussy" just the same.

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