CMV: Political Correctness has not only gotten way out of hand, but it is, ultimately, detrimental to a healthy society.

One of the most important definitions to nail down first is what is "political correctness". I go to school in one of the universities most caught up in the radical Social Justice movement, and it's oftentimes completely insane. I know someone who's accused her white roommates of colonialism because they were messy about their living room (white space encroaching on her PoC turf and all), and people who have started using the term "zio" as a slur against Jews during a particularly nasty debate over Israel divestment.

This kind of stuff is crazy, and - if carried out by enough people - genuinely harmful in pretty much every way. However, that's often not what political correctness is, and that's where the issue lies. Many people conflate people like the ones here - who are without a doubt negative influences on pretty much everything - with movements to increase exposure of, say, gay relationships in movies, or non-white protagonists on TV. They're certainly on the same "side" of the debate, in that they want to consciously affect the way society looks at and treats race/gender/sexuality/etc and move it to be more inclusive to historically marginalized groups, but they're by no means on the same team.

If you believe that people who, demographically, have had it worse off in the past should be treated better, you probably have more in common with the political correctness crowd that you think! The problem is, the voices of most of those people are getting drowned out by the radical 10%. This isn't limited to just these issues of course - think of how the religious right has acted as the voice of Christianity for the past couple decades even though Christians as a whole are pretty damn pleasant and tolerant people, or how a few law-breaking cops have defined how the police force as a whole is seen. This isn't just their fault, of course, and ideally the non-crazy members of the PC movement should speak up against the extremists on their side just as honest police officers should condemn the violence, corruption, and racism within the force, but that's not always easy or possible.

What are your thoughts on this?

/r/changemyview Thread