CMV: It's possible to/we should encourage people to be straight; gay conversion therapy works on some people

What are your views on religion? Me personally - I am troubled by the fact that the bible seems to say that being gay is a sin (though some very liberal theologians do some mental gymnastics which I don't quite buy) but I find being a Christian something very positive in my life. It gives me hope and strength, and the idea that god loves you and there's gonna be a heaven is really nice to believe in. I think the bible says that being gay is OK and that god loves you, but it might say that having gay sex is a sin. But you know I sin every day. Like having straight sex outside of marriage is a sin and I do that.

I think gay people do suffer and things do need to change, but I do think it's possible to go too far in one direction and that there's a limit to how quicky society can change. Like in the society I live in (coastal elites) I feel like being gay is thought of as your whole identity and that we should idolize people who are gay.

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