CMV: A pregnant woman should not have full control over the future of the unborn child.

OK so I'll give you a bit of personal background. I'm a lawyer. Here's how laws are usually codified:

Make Believe State Family Code Section 442

(a) Here is a RULE!

(b) Here are some EXCEPTIONS!

(1) Exception ONE

(2) Exception TWO ...

(10) ad nauseum

(c) here's some other neat little contingency we thought of

[years pass and tumble weeds migrate to the south]

Jack Doe v. Jane Shmane

The Court hereby interprets Family Code Section 442 subdivision (b)(1) to include the following factually scenario within its purview

[more tumble weeds]

Mark McGee v. Happy Go Sally*

The Court hereby interprets Family Code Section 442 subdivision (b)(1) to not include the following factually scenario within its purview which was pretty similar to the previous case of Doe v. Shmane but not similar enough to fall within the meaning of the subdivision

[more tumble weeds]

Assembly Bill 1412

The people of the Make Believe State hereby declare that the court got it oh so wrong in McGee v. Sally and that factual scenario actually does fit into Section 442; Moreover we are including a new exception (11) to the Code

[tumble weed ad infinitum]

/r/changemyview Thread Parent