CMV: The problem isn't that Lizard People are running various world governments. The problem is that they're not doing a good enough job.

Lizard people only have power, because they decieve and exploit the humans who do all the work. They sell of everyone's liberty for their own security, and they deserve neither and will loose both. Its a law of nature. The bubble will pop, as it always does, and the lizards will be liquidated, as they always are.

Lizard People are subhuman and gross and we should hate them.

Lizard people are truly subhuman, and their arrogance is disgusting, but they're like little children who won't stop playing in the street. I don't hate foolish children, but they do drive me up the wall, just like the lizards. I don't hate you either. Hate is a lizard emotion.

My counter: come on. Aren't we better than that? These are not morally or ethically defensible positions.

Lizard, you're raping people's minds right now. You don't understand ethics, and you mislead ppl away from humility when you make such dopey remarks.

There's only one human race, and you lizards truly are inferior; lizards morally devoid, and the only content of their character is their reptilian ego.

Practicing humility is the only to un-fool yourself. Do it.

/r/changemyview Thread