CMV: "Punch A Nazi" should NOT be controversial. If the slogan makes you uncomfortable, you may need to consider self reflection

The problem with your statement is that you cannot define who the nazis are. I mean I don't live in USA. I'm a Turkish Muslim but as I see from the social media people quickly calling someone a 'nazi' when they have different views than themselves. Like many people says pewdiepie is a 'nazi' ffs. We cannot collectively define who are these nazis. For you maybe nazis are actual white supremacists who wants to kill minorities but for other people it can be all the trump supporters. If people aren't so eager to label eachother with heavy words like 'nazi' maybe what you said would be true. At this point and time it's not. The bar of being a racist, sexist, homphobic...etc is already all over the place and the word 'nazi' is going in that road as well sadly

/r/changemyview Thread