CMV: r/IncelTears is not as toxic as r/Braincels

Would you accuse me of closed-mindedness and living in an echo chamber if I do so? Because others would.

I wouldn't accuse you of anything if you censor hate speech on behalf of those who might find it offensive or hurtful.

stalks me to encourage me to commit suicide or at least join him in inceldom. Whenever I come up with a good argument against his claims, he uses autism as a victim card to win the argument.

Block him. Move on with your life.

Wouldn't the first step towards helping him be for him to recognise his delusion? Because he believes that he's seen the truth, and everyone who argues against him is naive or delusional.

That's not your job. Stop being a reddit therapist and just block the abusive creep. This is a massive waste of your time. The dude lies in bed for a little over 23 hours a day by his own admission. Nothing you say will help him. Stop wasting your time and allowing yourself to be abused, even if you believe it doesn't affect you. This entire situation is stupid as fuck.

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