CMV: Reddit has an EXTREME liberal bias and it is very obvious


So after going back to downvote all of my comments you still don’t understand.

It seems pretty clear that you are driven by partisanship. You seem to have decided that most of our problems are caused by one political party. On climate change, you decided that Republicans are a problem because they deny that climate change is real. In order to “prove” you belief, you did a google search and found an article about a poll. You didn’t read the article, but rushed back here with your “proof”

But it doesn’t say what you thought it did. The poll turns out to show that the majority of Republicans do not deny that human caused climate change is real. When confronted by that fact, instead of adjusting your opinion you decided to move the goal post to say that the people who somewhat believe are still just as evil as you had thought. This is because you cannot bear the fact that you were wrong or that most Republicans are not the cause of all of your problems.

The issue is that you are taking climate change and treating it like a religion and not an evolving complex science. This is a major problem on the left and it is harming our chances at real solutions. For example, I would bet that you would not be in favor of building new natural gas powered electricity plants. Maybe you are, but many who treat climate as a religion are opposed. The same can be said for nuclear power. This is because treating it like a religion means that purity is the goal and not improvement. Good ideas are rejected because they are not pure.

So, to answer your question directly, no people who somewhat believe are not the biggest obstacle facing climate change solutions. That doesn’t mean they help, but they also do not harm most efforts.

But alas, this is all simply a waste of time because clearly you have started with a belief and then sought the truth. That is anti-science. That is where “reality has a liberal bias” falls flat on its face. Reality is not progress. Reality is the present state. Reality does change, but not always in humanities favor. Science is not reality either. Science is humanities best tools seeking to understand the truth, and then deriving beliefs based on those truths.

Now kindly go away, I’ve got a class to teach and they actually want to learn.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent