CMV: Reducing/restricting legal access to firearms WILL over time reduce guns in criminal hands.

Well no. The cartels make their own guns actually.

They get good ones from the US. But they have cheaply made ones.

And I mean any half ass machinist could throw something together.

And the improvement of 3d printer technology. Under federal law. 3d printed guns aren't technically guns.

In the near future. That stuff is becoming pretty good quality.

It's not like guns are the pinnacle of technology you know.

And the cartels already have freaking professional level chemists manufacturing drugs for them.

A gun is honestly nothing to make.

It was the quality of US guns that make them special. Well, and the quantity lol.

The more of something there is the cheaper it is.

Supply and demand. There is going to be a huge demand if the US gets rid of guns.

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