CMV: Republicans are the real snowflakes

No one's terrified by Gretta, the outrage is about the left using scare tactics to manipulate a child in an attempt to spark instant climate change efforts.

I dont know where you are getting the Starbucks coffee cup freakout from, but I personally have never seen anyone freak out over a Starbucks cup.

We care about talk of gun bans because the right to protect yourself and your family should not be infringed and the statistics behind "assault rifle" bans just dont support the agenda first of all. Secondly, why are law abiding citizens punished for the actions of criminals?

Obama really wasn't that good of a president. There are plenty of republican and democrat presidents that also were not very good.

Trump isn't doing that bad of a job. His methods are questionable but I feel the main reason conservatives rally behind him is because the left has tried literally everything to try to get something to stick yet there continues to be zero evidence of any wrong doing. Show us real substantial evidence that isn't manufactured by CNN and maybe people will think differently.

Kneeling for the national anthem is a major disrespect to the armed forces. The NFL has refused to pick a side and stick to it so it is entirely understandable that people stop caring about such a wishy-washy organization. Additionally, the motives behind kneeling for the flag are about things a lot more complicated than what the media likes to make it out to be.

Both Republicans and Dems support separation of church and state, I havent personally heard of an outrage to public schools banning school sponsored prayer but students are allowed to partake in personal prayer/prayer groups at school and it is perfectly understand to defend that right of students who choose to practice religion.

It's not a pissing contest. In my opinion/the opinions of many Republicans, the left gets upset about things even when the statistics dont support the issue they are trying to press. That is where "facts dont care about your feelings" comes from. Some of the issues you've brought up are not so much Republicans getting upset but Republicans trying to defend basic rights that the left actually find offensive and want to ban.

Examples of the left getting upset over nothing:

The Joker movie Dave Chappelle's Sticks and Stones Trump getting elected > russia gate (hoax) Jussie Smollett's faked hate crime > support before seeing facts Kavanaugh SCOTUS > literally faked allegations And the list goes on.

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