CMV: the right wing is becoming more radical. And it's not a good thing.

Counterpoint- both the left and the right have become more radical. The left has become more so. The left thinks there are a lot more Russian bots and/or Russian trolls then there are. How do I know me and most every person I know who gets near a liberal page has been called as such. The right doesn’t think those who disagree with them are bots

How do you know I am not a bot? I live half a mile from a now entering Rochester (ny) sign. I can go take a photo of it with a handwritten date and time sign next to it. I find it sad that I even need to make this an option

The pedo dude I’m pretty sure ran opposed in the primary. I really don’t want to go here but you brought up the pedo thing. I can make a much better case for the left being in support of pedo’s or at the very least that some of the lgb communities’ recent stances give them a solid foot hold. Are you commonly on r/politics? I ask so that I can know what I’m working with. Beyond that start firing away questions

/r/changemyview Thread