CMV: We should get rid of the CNR / Insanity plea

You're dead wrong. I've been in a mental hospital before. Mind you, not a forensic one (the ones where they keep people in their involuntarily for criminal offenses) but just a regular one you get put into when you attempt suicide.

It's not cushy. You're monitored 24/7, they kept us locked in our rooms most of the day except for therapy and the brief time we got in a sort of communal center where there had been nothing except chairs drilled to the floor. You couldn't wear shoes, couldn't have shoelaces, couldn't have sweat pant laces, couldn't have pencils or pens except under supervision, and most of your time was just spent sitting in your room waiting for a doctor to come and talk to you so you could finally get one step closer to being processed out. Except those doctors took a long ass time to come to talk to you.

If you acted up or got into a fight they restrained you and tied you to a bed in a room at the end of the hallway. All doors were locked. You never left the floor you were on, even to go outside. No one inside were criminals or there on court order. I imagine that a forensic (for criminals) mental hospital is very similar except with added security, probably almost to a prison level or at a prison level, and I promise you getting that many criminally insane people in one facility with a prison-level security is not going to be cushy or fun. There are several horror stories you can read on the Internet about patient abuse, understaffing, and the squalor a lot of these patients live in, which I'm sure you'd be happy to hear about judging from the fact that you seem to want these people to suffer more.

/r/changemyview Thread