CMV: Skip Bayless' tweet did not require an apology or explanation

His job is to comment on the game

It isn't his job to comment on every single eventually. He could have kept his mouth shut and done what everyone else did - wish for Hamlin's speedy recovery.

A person's life is more important than a football game.

I would get if he said, "let's ignore what happened to Hamlin, we really need to talk about why this game can't be postponed." Hell, I'd be first in line to crucify him. But he didn't say that. He said the opposite of that.

You really shouldn't say that either. The game doesn't matter more than someone's life. Just keep your mouth shut.

And in context, it's clear that he was doing his job by communicating what he perceived to be the issues the NFL was addressing at that moment while noting that those considerations should be immaterial.

His job is to say things that people like and want to listen too. He clearly failed at his job on this one.

Its basic human decency. Don't worry about what happens to our game when someone is dying.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent