CMV: Soldiers fighting in wars that aren't in direct response to an attack on their country aren't "defending my freedom"

Who said anything about it being fair?

is essentially nothing but militarily enforced communism, right?

People are inherently greedy, look at how you immediately refer to communism as a negative. Communism at it's core is everyone is equal and everyone should have their needs met. I have nothing against communism in principle, though I'm aware this not a popular opinion especially in the USA. It's a nice idea that everyone works together for the common good rather than lining their own pockets. No one is above anyone else. Instead with live in a capitalist society where to be rich someone else must be poor and so the common good is forgotten as people strive to be on top.

we have the fact that many middle eastern countries are also missing all kinds of important essentials.

The middle east suffers due largely due to corruption and greed. The oil brings in so much money they could buy and build what ever they wanted but the royal families who dominate the more stable countries squander it on trinkets, race tracks and luxurious living. Just look at Saudi Arabia. The less stable countries war with each other over religion, killing each other due to their petty differences.

kept the regions purposefully unstable and in the hand of malleable dictators

agreed in so far as trying to exert control over foreign governments but the west was and still is loosing control over the middle east hence the war and now the proxy war against ISIS.

How is all of this anything more than nationalism

It isn't. That is exactly what it is. People inherently work on scale, of prime importance is themselves, then there immediate family (their partner and children) then their parents building outward caring less and less the greater the distance from themselves. If it was your child being forced to work in a factory you'd raise hell, it's some indian child and people tut, say its a shame chuck a few coins at a charity and forget all about it.

I'm not saying the world is a good place but crying about fairness won't do anything. With the way the world is currently if that oil stopped the west would fall and many would die. Nobody outside our borders would raise a finger to do a thing about it. Just as the west values the lives outside of our own borders as less so does the rest of the world. Arguably more so, it is not smart as a none muslim to wander too freely around much of the middle east. I wish this wasn't the case, that people cared about others, where less selfish, shared more just as we teach our children to share we should do likewise. However that is not the world we stand in today. So we fight over the resources, refuse to share what we have and when we can't trade we take by force to ensure the people we care about the most live well.

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