CMV: The term "mansplaining" shouldn't exist

The cultural discussion about mansplaining has caused me to be a little more conscientious even in situations where I might have been tempted, in the past, to dismiss a point of view from a female friend or colleague.

I fail to see the benefit of this in a world where you had factual evidence for your claim and she did not bring any.

Bear in mind, I do not claim that the term "Patronizing" (yes,mansplaing already had a gendered term before 2016) does not exist.
The original english speakrs thought it appropriate to attribute the male gender to "speak condescendingly".

It exists, but giving it a cutesy sexist term isn't going to improve the situation at work. On the contrary, it only supports giving the platform to the "loudest and rowdiest" and not to "the most fit for the job".

/r/changemyview Thread Parent