CMV:There is nothing wrong with gay marriage.

Cultural appropriation and racketeering.

Marriage is like a treaty between the Western female sexual culture, and Western male sexual culture, which has evolved for 4700+ years to become what it is today. To legally appropriate this culture so the 1.1% of homosexuals (namely the smaller minority of those who are in relationships, and minority of those who want to marry) in society can be seen as "equal" is a total strawman.

Basically the fraction of the 1.1% of homosexuals being overrepresented are rich, white gays who want to marry because they're already accepted. That is, they have people to attend their weddings and the money to have a wedding. These aren't your ostracized and pariah gays who end up being exiled by their families and friends. The ones marrying are well-connected, plenty accepted, and pure money. They went into a courthouse one day to file for marriage and had no idea they couldn't, until they were told that a process didn't exist for them. That's why this gay rights movement that appeared in the 2000s, distinct from the one of the 60s-90s, was hateful and propagandistic.

These are the guys living in the best lofts in San Francisco, New York, and Hollywood. These are the guys who invented the word "faggot", meaning that they coined it to describe lesser homosexuals. These are the guys who accused a 4700+ marriage culture of hate and hit it over the head to force total legal equivocation to shoehorn cultural supremacy, like it or not. While doing this, they radically over-represented themselves. Most Americans think the gay population rivals most minorities at 25%, because of all the fuss for the few of the few of the few who even wanted it.

Well if history has taught us anything, it's that culture isn't specifically penned and constructed by a few guys shaking hands. So while these rich gays get married and enjoy lording themselves over the culture, the poor and lonely gays down here on earth get to deal with the blowback and reputation as dramatic ethnic cleansers for a glorified sexual fetish--because that's how most people will see it. Most people aren't going to understand same sex-attraction as anything but an interest gone awry, because they never got to really meet Mr. and Mr. America, they only got hit over the head with a rich liberal movement.

Although they were being introduced to Mr. and Mr. America in the 1980s-1990s successfully, it was totally hijacked by rich white kids and liberals. So we got to see Westboro like it was the norm, hear how it was only Christians who were against it for superstitious reasons, and other bullshit. People hate the gay culture for this. The kids just don't know it yet because you guys are still wide-eyed about good intentions, and don't know what happened, who did what, or when it became so corporate. The youths just heard "fight" and "for love" and just blew their loads as usual.

So yeah there's definitely something wrong with same-sex marriage, it's a total racket that taught politicians you can slay dragons on appropriating the grievances of 1.1% of the population and vicariously represent them without being asked by anybody, and that you can just fuck the broader culture sideways if you drum up enough hate and stereotypes. It just added petty piety to politics, which I had hoped we were over, to force pseudo-acceptance of the gay culture. Too bad the gays didn't get to continue to represent themselves at an appropriate level of exposure.

It's probably why we have Donald Trump as president, and it's probably why his panning "the media" was so successful following the most ambitious propaganda campaign on a host culture in history.

/r/changemyview Thread