CMV: I think there should be publicly available information on the "best" way to self-harm or have an eating disorder.

It is very hard to find any information anywhere on what specifically are the danger factors with eating disorders and self harm, and how to do them more safely.

The information is always available.
If the research has been done. It can be found.

Having just found it all I'm very curious about a few things.

A) Why do you want to know?
B) What sources did you find? C) What is it that makes you think they're scare tactics?

I'll just give you a little bit of information from the primary scientific literature.
What ever you think was scary, I assure you it wasn't scary enough:

Self-harmers had more symptoms of several personality disorders than non-self-harmers, and their performance across measures suggested that anxiety plays a prominent role in their psychopathology.


ixty suicides occurred in the cohort during the follow-up period. An approximately 30-fold increase in risk of suicide, compared with the general population, was observed for the whole cohort. The SMR was substantially higher for female patients than for male patients. Suicide rates were highest within the first 6 months after the index self-harm episode.


The lifetime rate of self-injurious behavior occurrence was 34.6%, with the highest rates found in subjects with eating disorder not otherwise specified (35.8%) and bulimia (34.3%);


Prevention of self-harm and suicide needs both universal measures aimed at young people in general and targeted initiatives focused on high-risk groups. There is little evidence of eff ectiveness of either psychosocial or pharmacological treatment, with particular controversy surrounding the usefulness of antidepressants. Restriction of access to means for suicide is important.


Multivariate analysis showed that repetition was associated with age, self-cutting, and previous self-harm and psychiatric treatment. Of 51 deaths in individuals who presented between 2000 and 2007 and were followed up to 2010 (N = 5133) half (49.0%) were suicides. The method used was usually different to that used for self-harm

I believe your view was totally mis-characterized in the OP.
Your view should have been written thus:

I think there should be publicly available information on the "best" way to self-harm or have an eating disorder and I want that information to match what I want it to say.

Anyway, like I said, the information is available.
It's public.
It's just science.

But you wont like what you find.

/r/changemyview Thread