CMV: Trans Kids Should Be Prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy

> . I know that’s just one story but studies show a lot of childhood dysphoria is out grown.

Source ? I don't doubt you, just curious.

It is true that the majority of Female-To-Male Trans individuals choose to detransition, why this is the case, I'm not tottally sure, You sounded you were a like a tomboy to me honestly.

I'd like to remind people that being trans is not a choice (for people for genuine gender dysphoria)

For me it's debilitating, I hate seeking for pity but I feel disgusting when I ever I pee or a see my penis, being called my name assigned at birth as well as male pronouns makes me want to tie a noose, seeing my masculine face and myself in the mirror makes me want to break down and cry, as does wearing male clothes on a daily basis hopefully I grow out of it, this has been the case since I started puberty.

If I didn't have to transition I wouldn't, limiting trans kids that exhibit actual dysphoria is just as bad as conversion therapy for homosexuals.

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