CMV True Alphas Love to Rape [LOGIC ONLY FEELS GTFO]

Argument against point 3:

  1. Men are capable of understanding when something they do or don't want is happening to them.
  2. Men are capable of empathy.
  3. Men are capable of understanding when they are doing something another person does/does not want.
  4. Consent is an affirmation of want and/or permission.
  5. Men are capable of understanding consent.
  6. Overwhelming sexual desire is not the end all be all of male nature or identity.

Argument against point 4:

  1. Men are capable of understanding consent and empathy.
  2. Men have a sense of ownership/protection over their family units.
  3. Men benefit from the societal expectation that they control their sexual urges because others are also expected to do the same. This, idealistically, keeps Man A from raping Man B or Man B's spouse/children.
  4. Men contributed to the establishment of societal expectations regarding consent and rape in defense of themselves and their families.

If your argument is that true alphas are criminals lacking empathy and self control, then sure. You would be correct.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread