CMV: The Trump Administration's Draft Executive Order Protecting Freedom of Speech on the Internet is Absolutely Phenomenal

This Executive order is trying to route the decisions of what is deemed a violation of speech through one of the most partisan offices in the country, the White House. No thank you.

The Whitehouse Office of Digital Strategy shall reestablish the White House Tech Bias Reporting Tool to collect complaints of online censorships and other potentially unfair or deceptive acts or practices by online platforms and shall submit complaints to the DoJ and FTC.

I see no reason why these complaints would need to be submitted through the White House, who then forward them on to the DoJ and FTC.

Historically (though not under Trump) the DoJ acts fairly independently from the White House. I don't think that the White House should act as the first recipient of these complaints. That's not the role of the President/White House, and as a political and partisan organization, I would be considered that the WH, regardless of the current President, should not be the first arbiter of what gets passed on to DoJ/FTC.


The working group shall also collect publicly available information regarding the following:

(i)monitoring or creating watch-lists of users based on their interactions with content or other users; and

(ii)monitoring users based on the activity off the platform.

Again, no thank you. I don't need an Executive Order, without congressional oversight, telling the Attourney General (AKA a Puppet of the President) to create a working group to create watch lists of people based on the content they interact with online, and monitor their activity off the platform.

This Executive Order proposes that if I like a post that is against Trump, I can get flagged, and added to a list of people to monitor, including my activity that is NOT on the platform.

I passionately disagree with this.

Not only do I disagree with the content of the Executive Order, I disagree that anything of this nature should be done by Executive Order in the first place. The WH has no place going around my elected representatives in Congress to establish their own rules about how to "enforce online censorship"

/r/changemyview Thread