CMV: Trump is not the worst president in all history.

You also have to take historical cultural and technological context into this analysis. You can't argue Wilson's handling of a the Spanish flu just because more people died. Technology and knowledge was vastly different. Are there specific steps Wilson should have taken? Are you viewing this through hindsight or judging them past on the knowledge they had at the time. Trump screwed up Covid-19 because he ignored calls for concern and downplayed the seriousness when we had a ton of knowledge at our disposal. Then placing his son in charge was also another huge blunder as he's son has been unsuccessful in every situation he's had in the Trump administration.

The same goes for slavery, at one point it was accepted by the majority of the country as normal, that doesn't make it ok, but it changes the scale you need to judge people on when comparing to current day. We have vast amounts of knowledge that shows there is no inherent difference between the races, unlike then when many studies were being published that showed differences (which have now been discredited).

Trump tanked the economy because of poor decisions he made handling Covid-19. What poor decisions did Roosevelt make that caused the depression or made it worse?

You're taking large events that have millions of different reasons why they would happen, of which some are the president's fault. When you look at each of these events the measuring stick isn't whether or not these events happened, but rather did the president do everything in his power to prevent or mitigate them. Trump has made many mistakes in handling these situations, he is lucky he inherited a good economy and that the world is not currently at war. He was brought into office with all external forces going positively and it's been squandered. When you analyze the judgement calls made by each president with the information they had available to them it's pretty easy to see he's been the worst decision maker in office.

/r/changemyview Thread