CMV: The TSA agent who asked Brie Larson for her number did not harass her.

I, for one, have very little understanding about what an individual TSA agent can or can't do to me. All I know is, they tell me to do things and I have to do them, or I'll receive some sort of punishment I can't get out of. I presume Larson is in the same boat.

Being ignorant of the law and your rights is not an excuse to be in fear of anyone wearing a uniform. Regardless, we're not living in some corrupt draconian third-world country. Even if you are ignorant of the details of the law, if you're of average intelligence, you should have a reasonable idea of what constitutes an acceptable request and what doesn't. If you're in fear of being strip searched because you didn't give a TSA agent your number, that seems somewhat paranoid.

No; anybody in a position of power has the responsibility to not put people in a position where their power could be used to intimidate or manipulate someone sexually. She is in a vulnerable position compared to him, and any request he makes is therefore something she can't respond to in a totally free way. ... maybe he wouldn't punish her! But he COULD. And he has a responsibility to not put her into that position.

Absolutely, and that's a good argument for why the TSA agent's action was inappropriate and unprofessional. But being in a position where you have the ability to sexually harass someone with impunity is different from actually sexually harassing someone.

The example from "It's Always Sunny" (IAS) is a faulty comparison: (i) the scene from IAS directly involves an invitation to sex, whereas asking someone for their phone number does not. (ii) In IAS, they are literally in the middle of nowhere; in Brie's situation, she's in an airport, surrounded by tonnes of people, and there's plenty of other TSA agents and other people in authority who could help her if need be.

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