CMV: The victims of the majority unjustified police shootings could have prevented it by simply complying, therefor I don't believe they deserve any sympathy for their behavior.

There are several issues with this.

You are rational, in a good frame of mind.

A lot of those who had police shootings are those that the state has decided to harass for cash. Poor black men who are repeatedly arrested and jailed to supply cash to replace the welfare state. Minor traffic violations are escalated into violence by thuggish police officers who may have previous citations for violence or have been fired from their jobs for violence because the state is repeatedly harassing people to get cash.

If you are under threat of jail if you don't have the cash to pay them and are repeatedly harassed your stress level will go up and your rationality will go down. Too much harassment makes for less smart people. Some cops will be violent, as the article notes, and push people further.

If the ramification of your actions is that you'll be jailed and lose your job for failure to pay child support then your stress level is going to be a lot higher and you're going to be dumber.

Another report released earlier this year connects the dots: African Americans and Latinos make up less than a third of San Diego's population but represent 64.5 percent of those searched during a traffic stop.

And it is mostly the blacks that are getting harassed. You shouldn't harass poor people for tiny amounts of cash. It leads to these bad events.

  1. There have been incidents, as noted elsewhere, where people have been shot for drawing out a wallet for ID. To survive an encounter with the police while black you need knowledge of how to behave. It has been noted elsewhere that a lot of black children get the talk about how to behave in front of the police before the sex talk, but still. If you don't have an education you may be shot. Is it really someone's fault for not knowing what decades of experience has taught older black people? The whites don't have to handle that of course.
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