cmv: Voter ID should be legalized as getting an ID is one of the most essential things as an adult

What I think your argument is missing is the unequal opportunity to get an ID as it currently stands in the US.

In a lot of rural towns in the US, a DMV can be 10+ miles from where someone lives. What this feeds into is a lot of rural poor people not having IDs - they can’t walk there because it’s too far, can’t drive there because they’re not licensed - so they lack a solid form of transportation to get an ID. They also have to miss work to go get their ID and pay for likely a taxi (in rural America, which is not insanely common) / ride service / hope someone they know can take them. So there’s also a much higher opportunity cost of a missed day of work + paying for a ride service for a poor person living paycheck to paycheck.

I like the ID of voter ID. but until licenses/state ID are available online or via Mail the first time you get them you’re absolutely creating a scenario where a certain type of citizen (poor folk not near a DMV) are disproportionately advantaged, and that’s anti-democratic.

/r/changemyview Thread