CMV: "Western Media" is more of a catch-all boogeyman scapegoat term to refer to media one doesn't agree with than it is a term that can be used in an academic context.

"Western" is be a catchall often used by self-identified people groups with similar values as a means of unity spanning nations, it is pretty neutral in usage and foreign outlets are simply piggybacking off an already popular idea.

You seem to be taking offense to the generalization, although it is not uncommon for laymen to use terms like "mainstream media" as a presentation of the homogenization of viewpoints and it is not dissimilar to the aforementioned "western media" with just more native angle to it.

Which has been the case for awhile now, look at the big 5 left in US and how many mergers have been happening in recent years.

It is even worse in "western" countries like Australia, which has a media capture issue by wealthy moguls like Rupert Murdoch(his empire is inter-continent and has fingers in both sides) with enough political influence to push state actors.

At the end of the day, the media presents a perspective, state media outlets don't hide theirs, it is those with private billionaire backers that you need to sit down and think about.

It doesn't have to negative, HK apple daily's Billionaire Jimmy Lai offers a relative transparent perspective and it is seen through his outlet, but he is an exception not the norm among the typical shareholders of private media outlets that prefer to keep their names out of the limelight.

/r/changemyview Thread