CMV: The Western world is NOT wealthy and highly developed because it has chosen Democracy as its form of has chosen Democracy has its form of government BECAUSE it's wealthy and highly developed.

The West is wealthy and highly developed because its countries went to sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and pillaged the people there to take their resources. It’s pretty undeniable to say the economic stimulus from a million physical laborers you don’t have to pay a dime will have for a country’s economy. Ditto for the economic downfall a community faces when other people come in and take a million of the healthy working people. Thats not even mentioning all the loss in natural resources that the less developed powers could have used.

The government system is irrelevant. Some tribal governance systems in the east and global south would more resemble the Greeks’ direct democracy than the Westminster system would. It doesn’t have to do with economics or strength of the country.

/r/changemyview Thread