CMV: While men do cheat, a man would be far less likely than a woman to try to justify their cheating in such a shameless, selfish, pathetic manner as below ("should have been more empathetic towards her internal conflicts and supported her through her journey")

Cheating sucks no matter who is doing it. However cheating most of the time doesn't happen for no reason. Men and women both cheat, they both usually have reasons, and yes sometimes it is because partners become emotionally or physically cold or resentment in some form. I don't think anyone would format it as "well they should have done x". Usually when people talk about them cheating they lead with there isn't an excuse but this was my reason. Cheating (most of the time) doesn't happen for no reason and a relationship is a team effort, most of the time, not always, if cheating happens both parties did something wrong, one was just more socially shamed (for good reason).

So I'm not sure if I answered your question but I feel like you may be projecting a personal experience on to the whole female gender.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread