CMV: "White Guilt", "Anti-White Sentiment" and "White Shaming" are ideas that are acceptable or encouraged in the mainstream culture.

I'm not Spanish. My blood is from the Native Americans and a small amount from the Spaniards that raped my ancestors when they conquered us.

In the USA it's considered Hispanic but elsewhere I'd be considered Latin American or Amer-Indian with a Spanish last name because of the conquest.

So no I'm not hating on my own rave, I'm hating on the conquerors. If you've never been to Spain which is in Europe, you'd see they tend to look like Arab-Europeans rather than Amer-Indians.

Here's a few pics of Spainiards:

Notice how they are white or at least think they are? They are quick to remind "mestizos" or "mulattos" ie mixed people like myself that we are NOT Spanish that Spaniards are European.

What you said would be like telling a dark brown African American, why they self hating on White Europeans when they have like 1/5 white blood from the conquest of Africa (I have less than 20% Iberian European blood).

My mom went to Spain with my Uncle a few years ago and vows to never return. They don't acknowledge people like my family as having anything to do with Spain, and don't consider us Spainish at all much as Black Africans aren't treated as British or French in American if they came from colonies.

I only use the term Hispanic to denote that I'm a descendant of Native Americans that the Spanish raped and conquered since my last name is a "Hispanic one".

Hopefully you won't say something so offensive again.

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