CMV: White people with dreadlocks is not cultural appropriation

None of this makes any sense.

No, the double standard is how people are treated for wearing dreads.

Universally badly.

Not the white person wearing the dreadlocks, of course, but white society in general treats the white person wearing the dreadlocks differently than the Black person wearing dreadlocks. The Black person is given additional stereotypes the white person is not.

"White society" lmao. Idk where you live, but my pharmacist is pakistani, my dr from afghan, shopkeeper from india, dentist from egypt, therapist from nigeria, all my college profs were from iran, iraq, syria and kuwait. Nearly everyone I go to for expertise is foreign. I have a lot of stories about being abused by each of them but that's another story, main point is that I am in the minority, but am still judged as 'white', 'superior' and 'omnipotent' (just quoting) etc and therefore judged as a majority group, which is just not true in my experience. When I was at college my class was at best, 10% white (then maybe 1-2% of the whole college are Irish or English). This is a good thing. Views need to be changed (I think) in regards to 'white people' being the all powerful. I'm Irish, my family has been persecuted for centuries too. I don't see many other Irish people saying 'don't eat potatoes' coz it's really really backwards thinking to get to that point. I don't like what my ancestors did to yours, but I'm not accountable for their actions. Just as you are not accountable for the african war criminals that sold a lot of black people to the west. It's a wash. Clean slate. Let's start over. Did I get a 'free pass' for being white? No, far from it, I'm alienated from white people due to dreads and black people seem to hate me. Again I can tell endless stories but let's just not. Let's not perpetuate bad things that happened to us, it's silly.

I did not say that. I had dreadlocks in the past and plan on getting them again.
Cool hope you do
Neither do I. I don't think you really understood what I was saying in the first place.
I don't think you have a point to make, each one has been refuted.

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