CMV: I wish the CSA had won the Civil War.

Nothing is a justification for slavery.

You're 100% right, to be honest what I think about this doesn't reflect what I think of racism. Slavery was totally evil and should have never been a thing. I just think the South being free of Northern rule is a good cause and that if people of color are going to suffer under both Union and CSA, it's better to at least free the South from the Union who didn't give a shit about their economy or rights.

Also my question was if the war was USSR vs. Hitler, would you make the same kinda arguments?

Ok, what was it then?

I'm just saying that a seperate government is gonna be better for any culture, and history has shown that. Look at any culture/tribe that is dying out and tell me it wouldn't be better for them to have a government they controlled.

Also this post got removed, how are you replying on it?

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