CMV: We would achieve equality faster by ignoring our differing traits instead of focusing on them

You misconstrued that statement and you know it.

Nope, I'm not doing that. I'm genuinely asking how to measure that. If you have two people working the same job and one is making 10% more than the other... is that a pay gap or isn't it? Is it a sign of something symptomatic? Is it a sign of something that needs to be rectified? If it is something that needs to be rectified, how would you go about doing it?

A single instance of a women making less isn't an indication of anything that can really be addressed. It's only when you look at the aggregate data that you realize that there is a systemic issue.

All your really doing is creating a system that would push everyone with the same title to be given more objectively justified and similar wages... and then discrimination would still be used in terms of who gets the promotions to get to the higher job title with the higher pay.

People doing the same job should generally be paid the same (I’m not talking minor differences in merit increases due to performance).

And that's what we have. Even for women.

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